Vincenzo Fiamma


Assistant Professor

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Vincenzo Fiamma (male) is Assistant professor of Ocean Engineering at UNIRC. He is author of more than 20 papers published in international journals and in peer reviewed conference proceeding. He cooperated with Professor Boccotti to execute some experimental research directly at sea in the coastal and ocean engineering field, since 1991. Since 1996, he is member of UNIRC in the framework of the Italian National Group for Defense from Hydrogeological Disasters. From 1998 to 2008, he was part of the scientific committee of the consortium OKEANOS for the management of the new Maritime Engineering Laboratory on the promenade of Reggio Calabria. He cooperated to the preparation of the volumes “Idraulica Marittima” (UTET, 1997) and “Wave Mechanics for Ocean Engineering” (Elsevier Oceanography Series, 2000) written by Professor Boccotti. In 2001 he contributed to a new experiment on the exploitation of the wave energy. Also in 2001 he took part to the biennial Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) entitled “Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of beaches protected by low crested breakwaters.” In 2004 he participated in the biennial Project (PRIN) on “A new breakwater for coastal protection and conversion of wave energy into electrical power.” In 2005 he contributed to carry out the scientific experiment, conceived and directed by Professor Boccotti on a new port breakwater (named REWEC), for the conversion of wave energy into electrical power. He has supervised 20 degree thesis on topics of maritime engineering, environmental hydraulics and coastal protection system. Since 2009, he is part of the research team of NOEL laboratory of the Mediterranea University.