Felice Arena

Personal information
Felice Arena (male) is Full Professor in Ocean Engineering at Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria and Director of the Natural Ocean Engineering Laboratory. His fields of interest for the research activity include: nonlinear sea waves; short-term and long-term statistics of ocean waves; random forces of sea waves on either coastal or offshore structures; new devices for absorption of wave energy, either to protect a coast or to produce electrical power. He has published more than 200 papers in international journals, books and conference proceedings. He has advised over ninety undergraduate and MS graduate students. He mentored 17 graduated PhD students and has been advising 3 PhD students in Ocean Engineering. He also mentored 8 Post-Doc students. He is Member of the Scientific Committee for the Structures, Safety And Reliability Symposium at the “Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OOAE) Division” by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has served in the scientific committees of many national and international conferences. He is Senior Member, in the PIANC, of the Working Group “Renewable Energy for Maritime Ports” (since 2012). He has been participating to EERA, European Energy Research Alliance, Joint Programme On Marine Renewable Energy. He is Associate Editor of the “Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering”, Transactions of the ASME. He is in the Editorial Board of: “Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics”, printed by Elsevier, and “Mathematical Problems in Ingeneering”. He is Chair of the Ph.D. in ‘Ocean Engineering, Materials and Structures’ at UNIRC, since 2003. He won the “OMAE 2011 SSR Best Paper Award”, by American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME (USA), OMAE, for the paper “Space-Time Extremes in Sea Storms”. He has participated in about 10 research projects. The most important projects, in Italy, supported by Italian Ministry of Environment and by Ministry of Education, University and Research (in the National Operational Programme PON for Research and Competitiveness), for a total amount of about 30 millions of euro. He is scientific Coordinator of the project “Large multipurpose platforms for exploiting renewable energy in open seas”, supported by Marie Curie action FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES. He was the scientific responsible of the UNIRC activities in the TEN-T Project 2013-IT-92050-S “Study for the development of the green mobility in the port of Civitavecchia through the implementation of the pilot technology REWEC3”.