Today the Community Survey in Reggio Calabria has been concluded, with the last interview.

The Community Survey is part of the WP8 activities, dealing with Social Licence to Operate, with the coordination of The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).


Concluse le attività di Community Survey a Reggio Calabria, nell’ambito del progetto The Blue Growth Farm. Le attività sono coordinate da SAMS (Scottish Association for Marine Science).


Conclusions of the Community Survey in Reggio Calabria

Conclusions of the Community Survey in Reggio Calabria



Conclusions of the Community Survey in Reggio Calabria

"The Blue Growth Farm" project (H2020 - GA n.774426)


Today the Community Survey in Reggio Calabria has been concluded, with the last interview.

The Community Survey is part of the WP8 activities, dealing with Social Licence to Operate, with the coordination of The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).


Concluse le attività di Community Survey a Reggio Calabria, nell’ambito del progetto The Blue Growth Farm. Le attività sono coordinate da SAMS (Scottish Association for Marine Science).